Dental FAQs


You should have your teeth checked and cleaned at least twice a year, unless your dentist or dental hygienist recommends more frequent visits.

Regular dental exams and cleaning visits are essential in preventing dental problems and maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. At these visits, your teeth are cleaned and checked for cavities. Additionally, there are many other things that are checked and monitored to help detect, prevent, and maintain your dental health.

We are committed to providing you with the best possible care, and to do so will require regular checkups and cleanings.

Sensitive teeth often come from your gums slightly receding. This recession of the gum line allows the underlying dentin to show through which allows water and food easier access to the sensitive nerve and tissue. To manage this, there are a number of toothpastes, gels and even some dental procedures that can be applied. Speak to us in more detail if you have very sensitive teeth.

Silver Fillings known as Amalgam have been around for decades. Made from a metal alloy, it was the best restoration for cavities. The metal expands and contracts with the heat and cold placed in the mouth. This allowed for little bacteria to enter a tooth once filled; keeping the tooth healthy and strong.

White Fillings, also known as composites, are often made of plastic or glass polymers. These cosmetic fillings allow us to fill a cavity with a substance that will look and feel just like your existing tooth structure. This restoration is created with a resin material and fits tightly into a tooth to prevent decay. Rather than a gray or silver material in your mouth, the composite color will match the tooth color.

There are many ways with today’s Dental Technology to enhance your smile. Please contact our office for a consultation so we may provide you with a customized treatment plan.

Crowns are permanent cosmetic procedure that covers the entire tooth. It will change the size, shape and color of the tooth in as few as two visits.

A Dental Implant is a “man-made” replacement for a missing tooth. Made from titanium, this screw-like object is inserted under the gum and directly into the upper or lower jaw bone. There is usually minimal discomfort involved with this procedure. After a period of a few months, the Dental Implant and the bone fuse together. This creates an anchor for the new tooth to be placed onto the dental implant.

Please contact us to discuss the options we have available to make your perfect smile today!

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